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Creating a Creativity Kick Starter (CKS)

Do you find your creativity waning? One thing I have done is to get a large three-ring binder and use it to hold examples of pottery, art, and designs that I find appealing. Many of these pages come from the Internet. When I find a site or picture on a site that I like, I print it, and put it in my CKS Book. It's always a good idea to print anything you find on the Internet that you want to eventually refer to later versus just saving a bookmark, because the Internet is very dynamic and the content you find today may not be available tomorrow. Over time your CKS book may become quite thick. Mine has grown from 1 inch to 3 inches. You can organize the content however you like. Then when you are looking or inspiration you can start paging through your CKS book for new ideas or directions to take your work. You may find a handle you want to experiment with on your style of mug, or an interesting foot treatment you want to try on your vase. I am always amazed at the picture I find in my CKS that I have forgotten about. I don't recommend exactly copying a piece, but instead try to take the essence of the style, apply your style, and create a new form.



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Gary R. Ferguson - Raku Artist

(c) Copyright 2005, Gary R. Ferguson