September 2006 Issue
Published by
Gary R. Ferguson – Raku Artist
In This
* While the Smoke Clears – Labor Day & Hard Drive Crash
* Copper and Crackle
* Piepenburg Patina - Which Recipe is Correct?
* When in Japan...
* Wet Blanket or just call the Fire Department
* Raku Links
* Workshops - Arizona
* Pottery Business Available - Utah
* Home/Business for sale
Move in and start Rakuing the Same Day!
We are getting out of the business and want to sell our
home, studio, and equipment to another potter. This
includes: a 6,200 sq. home with 2 bedrooms, dream master
bedroom, and three bath. Also there is a 1,200 sq. ft.
covered firing area, kiln room and two studios on 2 acres
of land. Equipment includes: a potter's wheel, a Peter
Pugger, large digital Paragon kiln, and 5 Raku kilns. There
is a great local art market including 35 galleries within a
50-mile radius and several local art fairs. Our home has a
75-mile view of Zion National Park. Property taxes are only
$1,200 a year. Asking price $625,000. Contact Janet
Prentice at Zion Canyon Raku. Toll free number is
866-301-8649 or email zcr@color-country.net
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