October 2006 Issue
Published by
Gary R. Ferguson – Raku Artist
In This Issue
* While the Smoke Clears – Books, Books, Books
* Hang Tags in time for Christmas
* Unstoppable Glaze
* Two Halves of the Same Pot
* Global Warming with Raku
* Raku Links
* Workshops
* While the Smoke Clears *
Hello Raku-er,
Well this month was book month. I'm a big reader, but this
month deals with being on the other side.
My first two books Raku Glazes http://www.rakuglazes.com
and Raku Secrets http://www.rakusecrets.com
are now
available on Amazon.com
so if you
frequent that website check them out. If you already have a
copy of either (or both) and love them, please add a review
on Amazon. I would appreciate it.
Also the new book Fired Up With Raku by Irene Poulton which
I contributed to has been published and is available at:
This is
published in the UK and availability in the US is a little
Finally, my latest ebook (not Raku related) Hypnotic
Auctions is now available at:
If you sell your work on
eBay or have wanted to, this ebook should reveal the
methods to attracting customer and getting higher bids on
your listings.
Yes, I know the above was all shameless plugs, but it's my
newsletter after all. Don't worry. Good content is below
for your Raku-ing enjoyment.
As always, I look forward to your feedback, suggestions,
questions, and article ideas at: editor@garyrferguson.com
"I must thank you for all the great recipes. I was a bit
stuck for new recipes. I'll be here for thirty years
trying all these out." - Simon D. http://www.rakuglazes.com
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Raku Secrets

Raku Glazes

Raku Beads

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